Thursday, February 20, 2014

I think we are willing to eat fast food because it is faster, easier to get and can be less expensive then actually going home and cooking something for yourself. Once a person gets fast food, the more the person will want to purchase fast food. Also I think we are willing to eat fast food because it can be different than cooking something at home. I think this impacts us because if someone reads the article and agrees with the things people are saying, those people may not want to ever go to a fast food place again. I am not a big fan of fast food because it isn't that good, but after reading the article, I for sure am never eating fast food again. In the future it seems like the food gets worse and worse and then people probably won't eat any of the food at fast food places. It can also impact us in the future because all the fast food restaurants will be shut down possibly or have many complaints about people becoming sick from food poisoning. To me, the most disgusting thing about fast food is the way they make their food. For example, McDonalds burgers are really greasy and their fries are disgustingly overcooked half the time. Another thing about fast food that is disgusting is the ingredients they use to make the food. Fast food doesn't really affect me because I don't really like or eat fast food so it doesn't really bother me. My family is really affected by fast food because if I show them what is wrong with fast food and how disgusting it is, they will most likely be disgusted and not want to eat at any of those places again.

1 comment:

  1. I am agree with you because I think the main reason why people consume this unhealthy food is because it does not cost a lot of money but I also think that at this point people know that this food is not healthy.
