Friday, March 14, 2014

Google, Google, Google...Do you really have the right to encrypt?

Whoever the creator of Google is, they can do whatever they want when it comes to the encryption. Most people will argue that Google can't do this but it's Google's decision so they do have a right. They want to know what people are searching on their engine so they have a right to do this. I think that everything that we search should be private at least if were using our schools Wi-Fi. Google should not make everything we search public. The World Wide Web is public because anyone can use it whenever and so in that case it is a public domain. I am in between whether or not the government should watch what we do online. I disagree because I can search something on Google that I don't want anyone to know about. If I don't want my parents to know about it I certainly don't want the government to know what I'm doing or searching online. I agree with the government watching because maybe the government can stop people from wasting people's times and searching stupid stuff online. If the government is eligible to see what you are doing online then I basically have no freedom at all when it comes to the internet if the government is all over my case and eavesdropping in my business. There basically wouldn't be any freedom left for myself if Google decides to do this. I wouldn't trust either Google or the government because they shouldn't be in anyone's business when it comes to the internet.

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