Friday, March 21, 2014

15.16.17...Does that make you an Adult?

I think it depends on the type of situation that the child is in because it depends on the physical and mental being of the child. Kids are adults legally when they're 18 but every child has a situation or mindset and some teens don't act like they're an adult when they're 18 or older. They don't act like their age most of the time anyways so it wouldn't even matter if they are called an adult or a teenager. I think the crime should usually fit the punishment and the amount of time you serve. For example, if a 16 year old was charged with first degree murder the sentence could be up to life in prison without parole or the death sentence. I think this is fair because if the child/teen wants to do adult things that involve breaking the law they should suffer the consequences like an adult. We have the legal age so everyone who is smart enough about their actions can go on with their life and those who don't want to follow the rules can suffer. It is all up to the teenager on what they want to do with their life. I don't think the teenagers are mature enough to handle any situation that involves prison or jail because they don't really care and everything is a joke to them. The parents are letting the kids do whatever they want without consequences and not parenting them correctly so that makes the kids think they can do whatever they want. This crisis cannot be easily resolved because no matter how hard the parents try to stop their kids from breaking the rules, it would be too late to change their actions because that's how they learned from parents and it can't be stopped.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Google, Google, Google...Do you really have the right to encrypt?

Whoever the creator of Google is, they can do whatever they want when it comes to the encryption. Most people will argue that Google can't do this but it's Google's decision so they do have a right. They want to know what people are searching on their engine so they have a right to do this. I think that everything that we search should be private at least if were using our schools Wi-Fi. Google should not make everything we search public. The World Wide Web is public because anyone can use it whenever and so in that case it is a public domain. I am in between whether or not the government should watch what we do online. I disagree because I can search something on Google that I don't want anyone to know about. If I don't want my parents to know about it I certainly don't want the government to know what I'm doing or searching online. I agree with the government watching because maybe the government can stop people from wasting people's times and searching stupid stuff online. If the government is eligible to see what you are doing online then I basically have no freedom at all when it comes to the internet if the government is all over my case and eavesdropping in my business. There basically wouldn't be any freedom left for myself if Google decides to do this. I wouldn't trust either Google or the government because they shouldn't be in anyone's business when it comes to the internet.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Money, Money, Money...Is it really going to save our country?

The states that have the highest minimum wage is Washington, Oregon, Illinois, Nevada, Montana, Colorado, Ohio, Florida, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Connecticut. These states cost more to live there so they have a higher minimum wage so people can support their financial lives. Minnesota is the only state that has a lower minimum wage out of all 50 states. All the other states have the same minimum wage or a higher minimum wage. Most states have the same amount of minimum wage which is good. I don't think raising minimum rage is the answer to our economic crisis. I think razing minimum wage can make the economy better in a way. The more money people have can help the economy because they should have enough to pay their bills, debts, etc. The only problem is; would people earn that money? Many people work because they need money to pay bills, but if the minimum wage is raised, people may not even work to earn that money. They would probably just show up and do their shift and go home. People would only care about getting money and not about how good they are at doing their job. One reason minimum wage shouldn't be increased is because the amount of people that would want to work now because the amount per hour increased. There may not be any available jobs if everyone wants to work just because the amount of money was raised. People that would benefit from minimum wage would be people who can't afford to pay any of their bills, and lower class people. These people benefit the minimum wage raise because they can't always afford the things they need and those people work hard at their jobs and in today's society they still can't afford money. I don't think minimum wage should be increased. If other states that have the same minimum wage increases, then everyone else that has the same should be increased as well. I also think that all the states minimum wage should be the same amount. Some states, even if they are expensive to live in, all should have the same minimum wage. There should be no states that are higher or lower than others. Everyone should be treated equal. To fix the economy crisis, I would increase the minimum wage to the same as the higher states and make sure that everyone is treated equally throughout the 50 states. It's not fair that some states are higher than others and most of them are the same. If there are a few that are the highest, all the states should be the highest. I don't think anything can fix the economy crisis in the United States.