Friday, February 28, 2014

Your Right To Dress...Or Did You Lose that Freedom?

I don't think the school went to far because kids don't think about whether or not what their shirts say or what the logo is on it without hurting kids feelings with different races. It seems that the school administration cared more about the shirt than the students who were offended. The kids who wore their countries flag on their shirt were just showing they care about their country. The students who felt offended shouldn't be because those same students who are Latino could've wore a shirt that represents their country. The school shouldn't have made the students turn their shirts inside out for the day because it wasn't necessary for them to make them. There is nothing racial or offensive about wearing a shirt that represents your country. Everyone can do it to support their country. We do and we don't have respect for other countries. We have respect for other countries because they give us supplies and we communicate in someway with each other. We don't have respect for countries because other countries always want to start battles and wars with the US. If I was the principle at this school in California, I would've let the students wear the shirts. I wouldn't see anything wrong with students supporting their countries even if those students didn't know what the reaction of the Latino students were. I feel that the judge made the wrong decision by banning the shirts for the day. I don't think this case will even go to the supreme court because it isn't a case that should go to the supreme court because it is a misunderstanding and no big deal. If I was asked to turn the shirt inside out, I would say no. It is just a shirt and it's not like it is inappropriate. It just has United States flag on it. I don't see anything wrong with wearing it. I would be very mad and upset if they told me to turn it off.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

I think we are willing to eat fast food because it is faster, easier to get and can be less expensive then actually going home and cooking something for yourself. Once a person gets fast food, the more the person will want to purchase fast food. Also I think we are willing to eat fast food because it can be different than cooking something at home. I think this impacts us because if someone reads the article and agrees with the things people are saying, those people may not want to ever go to a fast food place again. I am not a big fan of fast food because it isn't that good, but after reading the article, I for sure am never eating fast food again. In the future it seems like the food gets worse and worse and then people probably won't eat any of the food at fast food places. It can also impact us in the future because all the fast food restaurants will be shut down possibly or have many complaints about people becoming sick from food poisoning. To me, the most disgusting thing about fast food is the way they make their food. For example, McDonalds burgers are really greasy and their fries are disgustingly overcooked half the time. Another thing about fast food that is disgusting is the ingredients they use to make the food. Fast food doesn't really affect me because I don't really like or eat fast food so it doesn't really bother me. My family is really affected by fast food because if I show them what is wrong with fast food and how disgusting it is, they will most likely be disgusted and not want to eat at any of those places again.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I would not go to school for six years unless I really wanted to. If there was something that I was interested in and it required six years of high school I would take it because it would interest me and I'd take an opportunity that may not come again. It would be a lot of school and work, but it would interest me and I like being in school. Some benefits of going to school for 6 years is because you can become smarter and education is important and it would feel like going to college because when graduated from six years of high school, I would be 20 years old. I would take an opportunity and wouldn't really mind six years of high school. Most people would say that is ridiculous but everyone is different. Disadvantages of going to high school for six years is that it would feel like I'm never going to ever be out of school. I would be 20 years old who would still be in high school. That's a lot of school and really no time to myself like I have now. This is just a lot of work. Mostly the higher levels of education and school is a lot of work and takes a lot of time of my hands, but that is school. School is supposed to help people get smarter and learn new things that they didn't already know. If school was optional people would most likely not show up. The students who want to learn come to school to learn. The kids who don't care about school wouldn't show up. If school was an option, most schools would be empty because kids don't care about their education.

Friday, February 7, 2014

I think it sends a message to everyone that drinks Coca-Cola that no matter what country you live in or how you live that everyone can enjoy drinking Coca-Cola. I think Coca-Cola is sending a message that not only do Americans like drinking soda, but also other countries. There were different countries singing and speaking words and a couple times it seemed like they were saying America and about how those children in it felt about America. This commerical can upset people because Americans can become offensive because they may not understand what the children in the commercial meant. Also it can be offensive because the people in the video may not have noticed what they were doing. For example, the people who were in the water on their surfboards, Americans could take that offensive because they can be mocking the USA. This commercial is a poor and good commercial in many different ways. It is good because the people in the commercial were expressing their opinion toward Coca-Cola, the USA or their country. It was poor because we don't know what the people were saying in the commercial because it was in a different language. The commercial was good and bad because I think Coca-Cola made a commercial like this too show many different countries what they do to express their feelings.