Thursday, April 17, 2014

What Constitutes Art?

What's happening in Greece can be both art and graffiti. It looks like it's graffiti, but has the components of being art. The drawings are really good and they show very good art skills. Graffiti is most likely gang symbols or very harsh words in most cases. The Athens courts should determine whether or not these paintings are graffiti or art. No one wanted these paintings there, and people are showing off their art skills, but it's still illegal to do. The paintings should be painted over because they are illegally there when there not supposed to be. If one person is offended because there paintings are painted over, then it won't be a big. If a hundred people are offended, that is a slightly different issue because there will be many arguments. It's not up to the people who put the drawings there; it's the cities decision on what's best. I agree with iNO's statement because people do express themselves, but shouldn't do it if it's illegal. I like the painting that involves the car on the right side of the picture. It is very creative and colorful. The artist that drew this definitely showed their feelings. Words are definitely an issue because it can mean something in so many ways and people can be very offended.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Hoping for Asylum, Migrants Strain U.S. Border

I think the US should be responsible for these individuals who decide to sneak into the US without permission because they are in the US. If they weren't in the US it would be the countries problem wherever they are. Since these individuals are in Texas, then the US is the one responsible because that's what country they're in. The immigrants are no longer immigrants when it comes to how long they have been in the US. For example, if the immigrants are in the US for 7-8 years without permission, they should be allowed to be apart of the US. I wouldn't say the American people, but the government should be in charge of these individuals because it is their responsibilty to keep this country from anything bad happenening. If the government doesn't control immigrants like these, then the whole country can be at risk of something happening. If their are many immigrants for different countries, it would be very difficult for each country to keep up with all these immigrants. And besides the US doesn't take care of ourselves. The US spends money on other countries to provide them for better things. The US hardly takes care of their own country so I don't think it's every country for themselves in this type of situation. I don't think my hard work and taxes should be toward these people, especially if their sneaking in. I mean there are some children that are involved, but I don't want my money going to people who I don't think can even speak english. In my opinion, if you want to be apart of the US, then you should prove that your an American and can speak English before you do anything. I don't think it is fair that every person that works very hard to provide for their family be taken away from them so these immigrants can become apart of the US.